Teacher Contact

Teacher Contact

All teachers at Vina Danks have email accounts on the district email server. However not all teachers actively use their district email accounts. Some teachers list their email address on their parent letter that is sent home at the beginning of the year. If you need to contact a teacher who doesn't use his/her email account, you can call the office and leave a message during school hours at 983-2691.

Some teachers have a web page where they post their homework assignments and other important information. Here is a list:

Ms. Sharfi teaches sixth grade Language Arts, Social Studies, and Wellness/P.E. Her prep period is at the end of the day during 6th period.

Mrs. McCown is an eighth grade science and math teacher.

Mr. St. Clair teaches a technology exploratory class in Room 3. His prep period is 5th period which is after lunch, but before lunch on Tuesday.

Mrs. Benson teaches 6th grade math, science and intervention class in Room 6. Her prep period is 5th period which is after lunch, but before lunch on Tuesday.

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